الاثنين، 6 أكتوبر 2014

Aerosmith's Joe Perry Releases TELL-ALL Biography 'Rocks,' Rebuttal To Steven Tyler's 2012 Memoirs

Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry published a rebuttal to longtime collaborator Steven Tyler's autobiography, "Does The Noise In My Head Bother You?" titled "Rocks, My Life In And Out Of Aerosmith."

Released on Oct. 5, "Rocks" presents Perry's version of the band's history. Perry's biography follows Tyler's 2012 tome and drummer Joey Kramer's 2009 memoir, "Hit Hard: A Story of Hitting Rock Bottom at the Top."
Perry, alongside co-writer David Ritz, believes his story is necessary to be told. He was quoted in Blabbermouth stating, "It's going to be my story, but it's also entwined with Aerosmith and relationships there and the how and the why of that kind of stuff."
According to the singer/guitarist, he's been mulling the idea of publishing an autobiography for a long time.
"People have been asking me about it for the last probably five or 10 years. I'll definitely take a different path than the other guys, the way they put their books together. I read probably 40 biographies and autobiographies, musical ones. I can see how some worked and some didn't. I hope this one works. I'm pretty excited."
In Rolling Stone, Perry set the record straight about his version of the Aerosmith story and his feelings about Tyler's memoir.
"Joey put his book out and I wanted to leave some room there and then Steven put his book out. I didn't want to make it seem like mine was an answer to his, so I waited a little longer."
As for his take on Tyler's book, Perry remarked, "It's definitely Steven's truth, no doubt about it. He's allowed to perceive things how he perceives things. He can write his book any way he wants. But I didn't agree with a lot of the things he said. I know he worked hard on it, but it's got a totally different tenor and energy than my book. Mine tends to be a little more traditional. It's an autobiography in the real classic sense. I just hope Steven accepts the things I say about how I felt and how I saw things happen. I don't put words in other people's mouths or talk about conversations that I wasn't there for."
Perry revealed in an interview with the Boston Globe that this book is a no-holds barred account of his life. Writing the book, according to the musician, was a freeing experience.
"To admit weakness is not part of my paradigm. Everybody, especially men, wants to think of themselves as invulnerable, strong, and always making the right decisions. And I had to put the whole ball of the wax in there if the book was going to be worth anything."
"Rocks: My Life In And Out Of Aerosmith" is available now.

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